Thursday, September 10, 2009


I saw another blog on (The Bakersfield Californian newspaper), concerning plans for Hart Park. The blog was from Kenny Beal, sorry, I don't know him, but would like to hear from any of you who could let me know what group(s) he is working for/with...
Anyway, he is suggesting that interested parties walk the park on Saturday morning. I know most equestrians will be riding this beautiful Saturday, but I have an early wedding so I will go to Hart Park to meet with Kenny and whoever else shows up. If you know any equestrians who are interested and not riding Saturday morning, let them know and maybe we can make a "presence".
I know that Bill Cooper and the Kern River Parkway group is trying to work with the County and Park on some issues at the Park. Perhaps they will be involved with this.
Here's Kenny's message, posted Thursday:

Hey there citizen of the community.
Want a world class park? What does that mean to you?
Are you up for a community walk in The Park? Perhaps just to observe.
Here is your chance to bring your ideas for revitalizing The Park. near and long term. If you want things to improve at the Park, PARTICIPATE. September 12, 8:00 am, Small Pond near entrance to park. See you there right? We will start with a walk from the small pond to the picnic area by the Peacocks. I'll then capture all your ideas on paper, then we will walk back to the pond. Please feel free to show up at any point.
Best Regards to all,
Kenny Beal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder how to help the river area? Recently someone dumped a load of trash/garbage at the equestrian staging area by the automatic gate at Panorama Vista Preserve. So i got out and searced through it.
I hit pay dirt! Finding several pieces of junk mail and some UNPAID bills I drove immediately to the K.C. Sheriff's office on Norris Road. They were helpful and I filled out a complaint.
The next day I saw a couple picking up their own trash as a couple of deputies drove by!
If you see things like this please report it. It helps.