Thursday, September 17, 2009


Bill sent a post about getting even with trash dumpers:
Ever wonder how to help the river area? Recently someone dumped a load of trash/garbage at the equestrian staging area by the automatic gate at Panorama Vista Preserve. So I got out and searched through it. I hit pay dirt! Finding several pieces of junk mail and some UNPAID bills I drove immediately to the K.C. Sheriff's office on Norris Road. They were helpful and I filled out a complaint. The next day I saw a couple picking up their own trash as a couple of deputies drove by! If you see things like this please report it. It helps. Bill
Ed.Note: I love this!!! Billy Robertson has told me horror stories of times people have dumped "truck loads" of trash on his property, one time right in the tunnel that goes under Manor Drive. His experience wasn't as good as Bill's. He found the name of the person who "owned" the trash, but she claimed she had paid someone to haul her trash away, therefore, it wasn't her responsibility and Billy had to haul it off himself! Oh well, let's keep our eyes open and take the time to at least try to catch these creeps. Kudos to Bill for taking the time and initiative.

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