Sunday, August 2, 2009


The following is a response from Andy Honig, who has put in MANY hours of labor, planning, and researching the Panorama Vista Preserve, you can access his web site for further information at
Users of the Panorama Vista Preserve need to know that alterations to the Preserve (This would include placing wire around tree trunks) would have to be authorized by the Board of Directors of the Kern River Corridor Endowment, the owner of the Panorama Vista Preserve.

I, as a member of the Board of Directors, have seen no evidence that sycamores in the Preserve are threatened by beavers and have strong reservations about placing wire around the trunks of mature trees. I would find this aesthetically unpleasing.

Almost all the sycamores on the river bank in the Preserve have multiple trunks and can readily withstand beaver activity.

I would not want to remove the beavers because I have observed that the beaver dams have, during periods of low water, held water in the river, benefitting the riparian vegetation. On our website,, there is a picture of a beaver dam holding back water. See "
Ed. Note: I can't add anything to this, Andy knows this area, the trees, and the wildlife as well or better than anyone I know. Thank you Andy for sharing your knowledge with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any beaver activity around mature sycamores. However, they do like willows and cottonwoods as well as cattails.
The value of the beavers to the river channel has outweighed any temporary aesthetic impacts especially during these dry years.
Please post location(s) of damaged sycamores so we can get a better idea of the problem.