I'm a little concerned about crossing Alfred Harrell Hwy. at the east entrance of Hart Park. It is a 3 way intersection but cars coming from the soccer park are not required to stop. They are coming around a curve and sometimes are traveling at a high rate of speed. We always take it very carefully when crossing from the barn to the river trail. Also, the cars coming out of the park toward the soccer park don't have to stop, but they are usually travelling slower. I think it would be safer for everybody if they added stop signs for these two routes. Just my opinion, what do you think?
Koztarr has left a new comment on your post "Alfred Harrell Hwy. crossing":
I don't think stop signs will be installed but it would help if equestrians requested horse crossing signage be installed in all directions to make drivers aware of horses crossing the road. I have called Bob Lerude of Kern County Parks and talked to his assistant about the possibility of such signs and am waiting to hear back from him. Other are encouraged to call county parks and make the same request. Ed. Note: Hart Park Field Office number is (661) 872-3179; Park Rangers - (661) 872-5149. The County Park address is 1100 Golden State Ave. 93301 if you want to send any letters; and the email is parks-web@co.kern.ca.us If you are so inclined to contact park or city administrators, I would ask you to remember to think of two good things to comment on for every "not so good" thing. We really are lucky to have the wonderful trails we have in Kern County, but they must be preserved.
Koztarr has left a new comment on your post "Alfred Harrell Hwy. crossing":
I don't think stop signs will be installed but it would help if equestrians requested horse crossing signage be installed in all directions to make drivers aware of horses crossing the road. I have called Bob Lerude of Kern County Parks and talked to his assistant about the possibility of such signs and am waiting to hear back from him. Other are encouraged to call county parks and make the same request. Ed. Note: Hart Park Field Office number is (661) 872-3179; Park Rangers - (661) 872-5149. The County Park address is 1100 Golden State Ave. 93301 if you want to send any letters; and the email is parks-web@co.kern.ca.us If you are so inclined to contact park or city administrators, I would ask you to remember to think of two good things to comment on for every "not so good" thing. We really are lucky to have the wonderful trails we have in Kern County, but they must be preserved.
I don't think stop signs will be installed but it would help if equestrians requested horse crossing signage be installed in all directions to make drivers aware of horses crossing the road. I have called Bob LaRue (spelling) of Kern County Parks and talked to his assistant about the possibility of such signs and am waiting to hear back from him. Other are encouraged to call county parks and make the same request.
I heard back from Bob Larude's office and it sounds like we are going to get equestrian crossing signage. Bob has assigned someone to look into signage and get it installed. He picked up on the idea of equestrian crossing signage at the recent parks meeting when it was suggested by a participant. This just goes to show that equestrians are being heard by the powers that be. :-)
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